Saturday, July 20, 2019


So I'm at the age where most of my close friends and peers have grandchildren. Some are even raising them for whatever reason but they all seem to enjoy this phase in life and I'm very happy for them.

They tell me things like, "There is nothing like the love you have for your grandbabies", "Grandchildren are so much better than your own children", "You just don't know what you're missing yet" and I'm sure all of that is true.  The only thing that bothers me is when I get told things like, "Oh you just wait."

Well, see, the thing is--I CAN wait!  I don't mean to be rude but just like some people are in no hurry to have kids or EVER have kids, I'm in no hurry to have grandkids. My kids aren't ready. And I don't mean that they are irresponsible or immature. While none of them are perfect, all three are extremely intelligent and self-sufficient 20-somethings.  They have graduated college or are attending college or pursuing their interests and careers. They are figuring out who they are as individuals and they are HAVING FUN. Yes. I said it.

I don't mean to imply that once one starts a family all fun is over. But as someone who did things a little out of order in her own life, I can say without a doubt that the twenties are ideal for figuring out who you are, what your goals and purpose in life is and just enjoying life without the added responsibility that comes with raising a child. This is where my kids are and I fully support that. I am not going to push them into relationships, marriage and child rearing just because I want to have fun being a grandparent. 

And to be honest, I'm not sure I'm ready to be a grandparent any more than they are ready to be parents. I started my family while I was still in college and building a career. I was often over-stressed and burned out. I married before I figured out who I was in Christ and what He called me to do with my life. So I'm rediscovering myself while they are discovering themselves. Free from the day to day responsibility of feeding, bathing, educating and cleaning up after my offspring, I'm available to serve others, rescue animals, pursue dreams that have been in my heart for a long time. I enjoy my time to myself. Why would I want to pressure my kids into destroying this time for all of us?

If you're a grandparent or grandparent to be, I am happy for you. Enjoy it. I'm sure it's a blessing and one day, I may get to enjoy that same blessing. But if not, it will be okay. And until then, we're okay, too! Don't feel sorry for us! We have very lovely lives! :)

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