It's been a month since I've taken the time to blog and I apologize.
The 21 Days of Prayer was amazing and it has truly changed my life. I've gotten rid of some "things" I'd been holding onto and changed a few habits!
Then the beginning of a new semester kicked off and things got crazy busy--but in a good way!
I'm leading a small group for Biblical weight loss on Monday nights. I'm going to a crochet small group on Tuesday nights. We did a breakfast serve for the homeless and the bestie and I got to visit The Wellhouse and take the lovely ladies that live there a meal.
I joined the A-Team at church, will soon join the Prayer Team and will attend retraining for Prison ministry in October. I'm so excited about all that God has placed on my heart to do and the avenues He's opened up.
I'm still trying to catch up from my knee surgery. Physical therapy is going very well and I've made great progress! I wish I had done this sooner and can't wait to have the other done.
We took in two foster kitties for awhile and they have adjusted well. They are beautiful and everyone gets along.
Colt Bennett is growing like a weed and I'm thinking of moving him outdoors. He LOVES it outside. But I love cuddling with him and Mady at night. So I'm not sure what I will do.
That's about all the updating. Now I want to talk about something that I have noticed lately and find really irritating, even though I'm sure I've been guilty of it a time or two myself.
But why do we feel the need to criticize, belittle, dismiss and/or make fun of other people's hobbies?
My friend and I LOVE to go tailgating. Often when I mention it to friends, I'm met with the following responses:
"Why? Why drive all the way down there to watch a game on TV?"
"Why would you want to sit outside all day?"
"Isn't it crowded?"
"That's a waste of money!"
"Every weekend? Are you serious?"
Allow me to answer those for you:
Because it's fun! We enjoy being down there with everyone else. Most are fans like us and even fans of the other team can be fun to hang out with. All the tradition, comradery, food, drink,'s a blast. Most of the time, being outside all day is nice. If it gets too hot, there are a few air conditioned places we can duck inside of for a moment and it's never gotten too cold. Yes, it can get crowded but we have our own little spot with everything we need, including our own personal potty so we can be part of the crowd or not whenever we want. Waste of what? All it takes is gas money, money for food and maybe a little bit to spend if you want to. I love road trips so I don't mind the gas, I have to eat wherever I am and I don't spend what I don't have. Yes, every weekend there is a home game and if I could afford to, I'd travel to some of the away games.
Bottom line--you have your hobbies, I have mine. I don't understand NASCAR. It appears to be boring to me unless there's a wreck and who wants to see someone possibly get hurt? But if it fascinates you, knock yourself out. I don't care much for golf either. I'd rather watch paint dry on the wall. And I definitely don't get drinking, smoking, doing drugs and having random sex just for fun.
How about we support each other in our choices (except for maybe that last one because it's physically unhealthy not to mention emotionally, mentally and spiritually destructive) of fun instead of trying to make ourselves feel superior by knocking someone else's?
If I have ever made you feel this way about your chosen favorite past-time I sincerely apologize. It's your time, your money--enjoy both doing something you love!
As for me and mine, this weekend, we will Roll Tide Roll!!!
Love it!