Journal prompts to know who you are
1. What does your ideal day look like?
Wake up with no pain and very refreshed from a good night’s
rest. Immediately do my devotional, Bible study/quiet time etc. Have coffee on
the front deck and then get ready and take the dogs for a walk. Go workout.
Then go visit someone or spend some time doing crafts, outdoors or go on a day
2. What did you want to be when you were younger?
At one time, I wanted to be a teacher and then a lawyer. I
actually did become a teacher for a little while and I worked for two different
law firms but was never a lawyer. I enjoyed the teaching and the kids. I gave
it up on my last job in 2012 because the director was horrible and so were most
of the parents at the daycare. I’m looking forward to starting tutoring next
3 Who are you most inspired by? Why?
Strong women! Women who did what had to be done for
themselves and for their kids which describe most of the women in my family.
But also women who paved the way for the rest of us to live more equally with
men. I’m not much of a feminist but I do believe women have the right to own
property, not be beaten, vote, work the same job for the same pay etc. But I
also believe that women should get to choose the type of woman they want to be.
Whether it’s a mom and homemaker, a career woman or both. Or something entirely
4. Who would you love to meet? What would you ask?
I’ll have to come back to this one. There are a good many
people I would love to meet but I can’t single any one out for any reason.
5. What habit would you most like to break? What habit
would you most like to start?
Swearing! I have gotten a LOT better at it but I can still
let a word fly every now and then. Particularly when I stub my toe! 😊
I can’t think of anything I would like to start but many
things I’d like to get better at!
6. Think of a person you truly admire. What
qualities do you like about that person?
Again, I can’t pick just one!
7. How do you like to relax?
I usually just lie around looking at my phone. I also like
to have some coffee or a glass of wine now and then with friends or alone.
Listen to good music. Relax on the beach or near/in water.
8. When was the last time you did something you
were afraid of?
Undergoing tests for my cancer diagnosis last year.
9. What are you most proud of?
My kids, hands down! They are fabulous. They are all smart and great people. I do wish they were closer to the Lord but that’s my fault and I am claiming the seeds I planted years ago will come to be harvested. I wish I had been a much better mother in so many ways but it’s easy to say that looking back. When you’re young, inexperienced and don’t know any better, you just have to do the best you can and I did. I’m glad they came through to be the young people they are despite me and the mistakes I made a long the way. But I hope they always know that there was never a moment that I did not love them and want the best for them always. Still do.
What are you most afraid of?
Something bad happening to one of my kids.
11 If life stopped today, what would you regret not
Not getting to meet my future grandkids. There are other
things that I would like to get to do but otherwise, I’m satisfied.
12 Who would you like to connect (or reconnect)
with? Why?
Again, I can’t think of just one.
What qualities do you admire in others?
Honesty! And willingness to TALK things out and at least
come to terms of agreeing to disagree. People that refuse to talk and/or ignore
you are the weakest, most pathetic people alive.
14 What practical skills do you wish you had?
I wish I could work on cars and build things!
15 Imagine you’re in your 90s. What memories would
you have? What stories do you want to tell?
Hopefully lots of memories of spending time with family and
friends—especially grandkids and great grandkids!
16 What is your favorite book/movie/song? Why?
Book—That’s hard. I’ve read lots of great books!
Movie—It’s a Wonderful Life. I love how the movie shows how
each life touches so many other lives and the lives we think aren’t significant
really are for that very reason!
Song--Photograph by Def Leppard because of the memories it brings up, I Won't Back Down by Tom Petty as it's my life's anthem lol, In My Life by the Beatles because it describes a life lived and truly loved.
17 If you could make one change in the world, what
would it be?
That people would stop insisting that everyone agree about
everything. It’s okay to think differently as long as your thoughts don’t give
birth to evil actions.
18 What do you love to do for, or give to others
(not an object, something from you personally)?
I love to give my attention and appreciation to others as
much as possible. I like to compliment (not flatter) people whenever possible.
I like to give encouragement and love always.
19 What excites you?
When the Lord shows up and shows out! My kids, my friends,
my family—anything! My dogs loving on me! Doing things outdoors, especially
rafting and kayaking. When Alabama wins anything!
20 What do you wish you did more of?
spending more time with my kids and kayaking!
21 Pretend money is no object. What would you do?
Give to my church and to missions and causes I care about.
Give to my family and friends. Travel!
22 What area of your life, right now, makes you
feel the best? Which area makes you feel the worst? Why?
The love I feel from those who are genuinely concerned about
my well-being. Their encouragement and ability to see me for who I truly am.
My cancer.
23 Let’s jump forward a year. What would you like
to have achieved in the past year?
I hope I have beaten cancer for the 2nd time and
have been able to travel and accomplish things that are truly important—like furthering
the kingdom!
24 What piece of advice would you give to five year
old you? Sixteen year old you? Twenty-one year old you? Right now?
5 year old—be confident in who you are. You are a beautiful
little girl and you have a great heart. Anyone that makes fun of you is trash
and you need to let it roll off you. I eventually did learn this but learning it
younger would have been phenomenal.
16 year old—Focus on your academics and not popularity.
These people (the majority) really aren’t all that important. Go in the
military if at all possible.
21 year old—Focus on your family and your children. You are
wasting your time pursuing a business degree because you can not suck up well
enough to make it in Corporate America!
25 How do you want to be remembered in life?
A lover and follower of Jesus. A kind and compassionate person.
An adventurous person. And a person that loved everyone, including the unlovable
(or at least I tried!)
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